Do AIDS and Syphilis sound scary?
Discover the facts on symptoms, transmission, and treatment.


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AIDS and Syphilis sound scary, right? Many people associate these words with terminal illness. However, with regular testing and proper medication, those infected can still live normal, healthy lives! Next, let's explore the symptoms, transmission, and treatment for HIV and syphilis, learning to protect ourselves and others!


HIV and AIDS are often confused, but they are not the same. HIV is a virus, while AIDS is a disease.

  • HIV
    "HIV" stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV targets and kills CD4 cells of the immune system, making one easier to get certain types of infections and cancer. If left untreated, HIV infection can progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), which is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Due to the extreme depletion of CD4 cells in AIDS patients, these individuals are significantly more susceptible to a wide range of cancers and opportunistic infections.
  • AIDS
    愛滋病的醫學名為「後天免疫力缺乏症」,由愛滋病病毒所引致。如沒有接受治療,約半數的愛滋病病毒感染者會在十年內發病為愛滋病。 並非所有人感染者都會進入這個病發階段,而接受治療就可預防演變成愛滋病,壽命亦能維持。

Being infected with HIV≠AIDS! While there's currently no complete cure for HIV, there are very effective drug treatments to keep virus under control. Being infected with HIV is not the end of the world! With regular testing, early detection, and proper adherence to treatment, most people living with HIV can live healthy and fulfilling lives!

What is Syphilis?

梅毒是由梅毒螺旋菌所致的一種嚴重性病,同時亦會使感染 HIV病毒的風險增加! 梅毒是可以預防及治癒,但假若不予醫治,會引起各種併發症,甚至造成死亡。所以及早檢測、盡早治療尤其重要!



If someone is unfortunately infected with HIV or Syphilis, what symptoms will they experience?

Infection with both HIV and Syphilis can progress at different rates depending on various factors, such as the individual's immune function and lifestyle. Symptoms, disease manifestations, and progression can also vary from person to person.

第 一 期 剛感染愛滋病病毒後,若進行測試未必顯示陽性結果,但感染者已經可以將病毒傳染他人,這個階段是空窗期。

Most cases present symptoms in 2-4 weeks after exposure. The main symptom is chancre, which is a painless sore on genital area.
第 二 期 After acute primary infection, HIV disease enters into its chronic phase. HIV may not cause any other symptoms.

After the appearance of chancre for 6-8 weeks, infected patients will have wide-spread and symmetrical skin rashes. Palms and soles are commonly involved. Infected patients may have malaise, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, alopecia, mucous membrane lesions or appearance of warty growth change. These symptoms will subside by themselves.
第 三 期 When the infection progresses, there is a continuous decline of immunity of the body. A patient may have symptoms arising from opportunistic infections, which are infections caused by organisms that don't usually cause illness in people with healthy immune systems. The occurrence marks the progression from HIV infection to AIDS.Late syphilis may occur a few years to decades after the initial infection. Heart, eyes and central nervous system will be affected.
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How are HIV and Syphilis diagnosed?


Reference Source: Department of Health

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HIV Antigen / Antibody Rapid Test

  • Detected HIV positive results earlier (results as early as 2 weeks) than market products
  • 4ᵗʰ generation HIV self-test
  • Simultaneous detection of HIV antigen and HIV antibody
  • 準確度達99.9%
  • 99.9% accuracy
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HIV / Syphilis Rapid Antibody Test

  • Test for HIV and Syphilis in one go
  • Fingertip blood sampling is more accurate than saliva and urine
  • 99.9% accuracy
  • Results can be detected as early as 3 weeks
  • 99.9% accuracy
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