3大常見的腸道病毒: 諾如病毒、輪狀病毒、腺病毒

Beware of Norovirus, Rotavirus and Adenovirus

4價、9價 定27價? 打HPV針非一勞永逸

HPV vaccine alone wasn't a lifetime solution

HPV病毒冷知識 破解10大HPV病毒迷思

Can you have HPV without Symptoms? 10 HPV Myths Debunked


Both WHO and the Department of Health recommend HPV test. HPV urine test can indicate cancer risk as well?


Do men get infected with HPV? It can cause genital warts or even cancer?


Smoking Leads to Cervical Cancer? Understanding 8 Groups at Risk of HPV and Cervical Cancer

認識柏氏抹片及HPV病毒尿液測試 怕痛怕麻煩應怎樣選?

Understanding Pap Smear and HPV Urine Test – Which One Causes Less Pain and Hassle?

【防癌秘笈】子宮頸癌原來可以預防?世衛建議定期進行HPV檢測作子宮頸癌篩查 即睇4大預防方法

Cervical cancer can be prevented? Learn 4 ways to prevent cervical cancer


【What is MP?】Children are more often infected than adults!

醫生建議看病前自行做快測    專家提醒快測要注意LoD

Expert reminds to pay attention to the LoD when choosing a rapid test.


【What you need to know about RSV?】 The main cause for bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants under the age of one!


Parents beware! What you should know about adenovirus infections


It’s not just the flu and COVID-19 anymore. Here’s what you need to know about seasonal respiratory infection trends in 2024


Is H. pylori infection the culprit? Stomachache, halitosis, and bloating are all symptoms


Spot H. pylori infections in 3 simple steps!


【H. Pylori Test Comparison】Stool Antigen Self-Test VS Urea Breath Test


Compare Different H. Pylori Testing Methods

【幽門螺旋菌】50%港人中招 了解有關胃病、徵狀及療法

H. Pylori and Its Symptoms, Complications & Treatments

可引致胃癌?!解構第一類致癌物 - 幽門螺旋菌

Gastric Cancer Caused by H. pylori Infection? H. Pylori – Group 1 Carcinogen Explained


【COVID-19 & Flu Strikes Again! 】Which 3-in-1 COVID-19/Flu Rapid Test is More Accurate?

【甲型流感】衛生署宣佈正式踏入流感季 如何及時分辨新冠和流感?

【Differentiate COVID & Flu】Doctors suggest COVID/Flu A&B tests for accurate detection


【COVID & Flu】Risk of Death from Co-Infection Increases by 6 Times This Year?


【Flu Viruses】What Are the Differences Among 4 Flu Viruses

澳洲、美國流感創新高 2招減低外遊及在港感染風險

Flu Hits Record High in US & AUS! Learn the 2 Ways to Lower Infection Risk

【流感Q&A】流感5大注意事項 即睇病徵&治療方法

【Seasonal Flu Q&A】5 Key Facts You Should Know About Flu



【Flu Season】Different Symptoms of COVID-19, Flu & Cold


【StayHomeSafe Scheme】 What Should Close Contacts Do? [Updated on Aug 1]


How to Report Your Positive Test Results? Guidelines for HK Quarantine


5 Burning Questions: Are Omicron BA.4, BA.5 the Most Contagious Subvariants?

【Rapid Antigen Test to Taiwan】6 Things You Should Know

【Rapid Antigen Test to Taiwan】6 Things You Should Know

【Rapid Antigen Test】Elderly Testing Recommendation & Latest Visiting Arrangement for Residential Care Homes

【Rapid Antigen Test HK】Elderly RAT & Care Homes Rules

【快速測試】INDICAID APP 簡易管理您的快速測試結果(適合個人及公司/團體使用)

【Rapid Antigen Test】APP That Manages Your Test Results

【Long Weekend Local Tour】Conduct Rapid Antigen Test Before Commencing Local Tour?

【Local Tour】Do Rapid Test Before Commencing Local Tour?

【Rapid Tests for Students】Testing Tips for Parents

【Rapid Tests for Students】Testing Tips for Parents


【Community Testing】Why Should We Report Positive Result

【Rapid Antigen Test】Entry and Testing Requirements of Foreign Countries

【Antigen Test Report for Travel】 Entry Requirements


【Rapid Antigen Test HK】What to Do When Tested Positive?


【Rapid Antigen Test】What is Ct value of rapid test?

Do you know why are we using rapid antigen test against the highly transmissible omicron variant? Let’s see the advantages of rapid antigen test and when should you use it.

【Rapid Antigen Test】Why we use rapid antigen test?


【Rapid Antigen Test】Rapid Antigen Test 7-Step Guide

INDICAID®妥析®新冠病毒快速抗原檢測試劑 | 自助抗原測試 | 快速抗原測試 | 快速測試 | 抗原檢測 | 抗原測試 | 檢測結果只需20分鐘 | 檢測到特定的變種新冠病毒 | 變種病毒 | Alpha Beta Delta Omicron 變種病毒 | 適合護老院, 安老院舍探訪檢測 | 適合醫院探訪探病做特快檢測 | 離港前檢測

【Rapid Antigen Test HK】7 Criteria You Can't Miss

INDICAID妥析新冠病毒快速抗原檢測試劑 | 快速測試 | 離港前檢測 | 自助抗原測試 | 快速抗原測試 |抗原檢測 | 抗原測試 | 檢測結果只需20分鐘 | 檢測到特定的變種新冠病毒 | 變種病毒 | Alpha Beta Delta Omicron 變種病毒 | 護老院安老院舍探訪 | 醫院探訪 | 恩恤探訪

【Rapid Antigen Test HK】300000 Free Kits - How to Use?

INDICAID妥析新冠病毒快速抗原檢測試劑 | 快速測試 | 離港前檢測 | 自助抗原測試 | 快速抗原測試 |抗原檢測 | 抗原測試 | 檢測結果只需20分鐘 | 檢測到特定的變種新冠病毒 | 變種病毒 | Alpha Beta Delta Omicron 變種病毒 | 護老院安老院舍探訪 | 醫院探訪 | 恩恤探訪

【Omicron Variant】Omicron - What We Know So Far

INDICAID妥析新冠病毒快速抗原檢測試劑 | 快速測試 | 離港前檢測 | 自助抗原測試 | 快速抗原測試 |抗原檢測 | 抗原測試 | 檢測結果只需20分鐘 | 檢測到特定的變種新冠病毒 | 變種病毒 | Alpha Beta Delta Omicron 變種病毒 | 護老院安老院舍探訪 | 醫院探訪 | 恩恤探訪

【COVID Variants】Understand SARS-CoV-2 Mutations


【Mainland Border Reopen】Quota Booking & PCR Requirement


Test Report for Travel|All Countries Entry Requirements

回港檢疫0+3登機只需快測 毋須酒店隔離 附4大最新檢疫安排

New 0+3 Scheme for Overseas Arrivals! Check Out 4 Latest Arrangements


3 Misunderstandings About PCR Test Reports for Japan Entry


Japan Border Reopens 2 Things You Can't Miss Before Entry


Latest Updates on Public Hospitals Visiting Arrangement


【Return from Mainland】Complete Guide on Returning from Mainland/Macao


【Return to HK】Complete Boarding, Quarantine Guide in HK [Updated on July 8]

【韓國開關】憑核酸/快速抗原陰性檢測報告入境 一律免隔離

【韓國開關】憑核酸/快速抗原陰性檢測報告入境 一律免隔離

INDICAID lab | 新病毒核酸檢測 | 核酸檢測 | 強制檢測 | 幼兒檢測 | 病毒測試 | 病毒檢測| 新冠病毒 | 最快6小時提供檢測報告 | 深喉唾液 | 鼻咽拭子 | 咽喉拭子 | 鼻腔咽喉拭子 | 內地通關 | PCR Test |政府認可核酸檢測機構 | 檢測中心 | 中環檢測中心 | 港島檢測中心 | 免檢疫通關 | 港版健康碼 | 健康碼 | 港康碼 | 香港健康碼 | 公海遊 | 郵輪公海遊 | 郵輪檢測

【Compulsory Testing】Testing Groups & PCR Test Hong Kong

【私家檢測中心】一文睇清政府認可檢測收費 小朋友都做得?

【Testing Centers】Compare PCR Hong Kong Testing Centers



【聽招健康啲】EP 8 | 流感同新冠有乜分別?

【EP 8】What are the differences between flu & COVID?

【EP 7】How Many More Shots Should I Get?

【EP 7】How Many More Shots Should I Get?

【EP 6】What is 'Long Covid'?

【EP 6】What is 'Long Covid'?

【醒你一招】EP 4 有金身就可以安心去旅遊?

【醒你一招】EP 4 有金身就可以安心去旅遊?

【EP 5】Does CT value 30 mean you are safe?

【EP 5】Does CT value 30 mean you are safe?

【EP 4】Fate or luck? Why the whole family tested negative but my kid?

【EP 4】Fate or luck? Why the whole family tested negative but my kid?

【EP 3】Must I report my rapid test result?

【EP 3】Must I report my rapid test result?

【EP 2】Rapid Test FAQs

【EP 2】Rapid Test FAQs

【醒你一招】EP 3 拆解確診後會否擁有金身之謎

【醒你一招】EP 3 拆解確診後會否擁有金身之謎

【EP 1】How to choose rapid test?

【EP 1】How to choose rapid test?

【醒你一招】EP 2 從市面購買的快速測試是否安全?

【醒你一招】EP 2 從市面購買的快速測試是否安全?

醒你一招 EP 1 | 疫情清零的兩大黃金時機,以深圳及香港的情況,看進行全民強檢的最佳時機

【醒你一招】EP 1 疫情清零的兩大黃金時機