UU Tube by INDICAID™ Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test
UU Tube is used as an easy self-test for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Quick results in 10 mins with stool specimen as accurate as urea breath test. Test ahead & Treat in time. Protect gastric health for U!
UU Tube is used as an easy self-test for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Quick results in 10 mins with stool specimen as accurate as urea breath test. Test ahead & Treat in time. Protect gastric health for U!
UU Tube is used as an easy self-test for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Quick results in 10 mins with stool specimen as accurate as urea breath test. Test ahead & Treat in time. Protect gastric health for U!

UU Tube by INDICAID™ Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test

Testing method: Self-test (with stool specimens)
$248.00 HKD
Specifications: 1-kit

What is UU Tube

UU Tube is used as an easy self-test for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Quick results in 10 mins with stool specimen. Test ahead & Treat in time. Protect gastric health for U!

Why should I test for Helicobacter Pylori?

>50% Infection prevalence in HK

According to a study by the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK in 2017, more than 50% of Hong Kong population was infected with H. pylori

Household transmission as high as 60%

H. pylori can be spread easily especially within households with close contact every day

Identified as group 1 carcinogen

IARC has identified H. pylori as a group 1 carcinogen for gastric cancer; NIH of the United States further listed H. pylori as one of the human carcinogens

Simple treatment with 85% efficacy

Triple therapy through taking antibiotics can achieve an efficacy of 85%


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Painless stool sample collection
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Self-test at home
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No pills or empty stomach required
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Results in 10 minutes
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Leak-free design, hygienic and odour-free
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For symptomatic & asymptomatic individuals
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EU CE Certification, NMPA Approved
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98% Accuracy1
  • 1 98% Accuracy
    - Clinical comparison with urea breath test results demonstrate that the accuracy of UU Tube has an overall agreement of 98.12%

  • Pregnant women are not recommended to purchase and use this product without the advice of a doctor.
  • Orders & Delivery
    1. Enjoy free delivery service when you spend $300 or more per order; standard delivery fee is $40 for orders below $300
    2. Orders will be delivered within 2 working days (except for remote areas). You will be notified via SMS upon the arrival of your product. In special circumstances such as long holidays or bad weather, delivery may be postponed for an additional 1 to 2 working days
    3. Express Delivery available with an additional $200 delivery fee
    • Same day delivery for orders before 3pm from Monday to Friday
    • Delivery on the next working day for orders after 3pm from Monday to Friday
    • Delivery on the next working day for orders after Friday 3pm, during weekends and public holidays
    1. Sales and delivery only available in HK

    Flushable Stool Collection Paper

    • 無需自備容器
    • 輕鬆、衛生採集糞便樣本
    • Flushable materials used

    Leak-Free Test Device

    • Insert the sampling stick to the test device directly, no worries for spilling liquids and specimens
    • Odour-free, hygienic & clean

    98% Accuracy1

    • In vitro test for H. pylori antigen in stool specimens
    • Gold standard for H. pylori testing - as reliable as urea breath test

    Suitable for

    • 腸胃不適
    • 家中出現確診患者
    • 長者
    • 有胃癌家族史
    • 居住環境較擁擠或衛生較差

    幽幽管幽門螺旋菌抗原檢測 VS 幽門螺旋菌吹氣測試(黃金標準)

    幽幽管 吹氣測試
    檢測方法 收集糞便自行檢測 喝下測試溶劑後進行吹氣測試
    檢測時間 10分鐘 1-2天
    檢測地點 在家自行檢測 醫院、診所
    價錢 $248 $600-900
    測前服藥 不需 需要
    空腹檢測 不需 需要

    UU Tube Instructional Video

    Complete Instruction Guide:Download


    1. Lift the toilet seat, take out the stool collection paper from the packaging
    1. Tear the double-sided tapes on both ends of the stool collection paper, and stick it onto both sides of the toilet body (ensure that the middle of the stool collection paper hangs above the water surface in the toilet)
    1. Put down the toilet seat and carefully press the stool collection paper. Defecate onto the stool collection paper
    1. After defecation, take out the test device from the packaging and start performing the test
    1. Pull off the orange cap on the top of the test device
    1. Insert the threaded end of the sampling stick into the stool at 5 different points to collect specimens
    1. Insert the sampling stick back into the test device after collecting sample
    1. Shake the test device for about 10 seconds to fully mix the stool sample into the diluent
    1. Break off the white limit block from the cap
    1. Keep the test device in the upright position, press the orange cap down to the lowest level, and start timing
    1. Wait 10 minutes at room temperature for the result (results after 20 minutes are regarded as invalid)

    Interpreting your test results


    Negative H. pylori result: the UU Tube test result indicates that no H. pylori antigen is detected in the sample, the risk of infection is very low.

    Take these next steps:

    • A negative result does not rule out a H. pylori infection, please seek follow-up with your doctor if necessary.

    • 一般建議每隔一年進行一次幽門螺旋菌測試。感染幽門螺旋菌的途徑十分廣泛,而且感染率高,定期檢測有助減低發病機率。


    Positive H. pylori result: the UU Tube test result indicates the presence of H. pylori antigen in the sample.

    Look closely!


    Take these next steps:



    Invalid H. pylori result: the UU Tube test could not indicate whether you have a H. pylori infection in the sample.


    Take these next steps:


    What is Helicobacter Pylori?

    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach and duodenum. It attacks the lining that protects your stomach by neutralizing your stomach acid, leading to possible stomach or duodenum sores or ulcers. H. pylori is identified by IARC as a group 1 carcinogen for gastric cancer.


    Suffering from stomach pain, bloating or frequent burping?

    Most people do not realize that they have H. pylori infection as only 20% of those infected develop signs and symptoms. Symptoms of infection include:

    Early Symptoms
    Bloating, nausea, vomit, bad breath, frequent burping, weight loss, stomach pain and loss of appetite

    Severe Symptoms
    Peptic ulcer, anemia and black stools

    Potential complications

    H. pylori infection can cause gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, gastric lymphoma or iron deficiency anemia etc.

    The potential of developing more severe illnesses from a H. pylori infection cannot be ruled out even if no symptom is observed. Discovering a H. pylori infection at an early stage and receiving treatment can lower the risk of potential stomach illnesses.

    It is important to eliminate H. pylori even if you recover from stomach illnesses as the H. pylori that remains in your stomach can lead to potential recurrence of illnesses.

    Mode of transmission

    H. pylori bacteria are usually passed from person to person through direct contact with saliva, vomit or stool. It may also spread through contaminated food or water.

    Simple treatment

    H. pylori infected persons should consult a doctor for appropriate treatments. Patients usually receive "triple therapy" by taking antibiotics for 1-2 weeks. Its side effects are relatively mild and can achieve an efficacy of 85%.

    Suffering from stomach pain, bloating or frequent burping?

    Most people do not realize that they have H. pylori infection as only 20% of those infected develop signs and symptoms. Symptoms of infection include:

    Early Symptoms
    Bloating, nausea, vomit, bad breath, frequent burping, weight loss, stomach pain and loss of appetite

    Severe Symptoms

    H. pylori infection can cause gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, gastric lymphoma or iron deficiency anemia etc.

    The potential of developing more severe illnesses from a H. pylori infection cannot be ruled out even if no symptom is observed. Discovering a H. pylori infection at an early stage and receiving treatment can lower the risk of potential stomach illnesses.

    It is important to eliminate H. pylori even if you recover from stomach illnesses as the H. pylori that remains in your stomach can lead to potential recurrence of illnesses.

    H. pylori bacteria are usually passed from person to person through direct contact with saliva, vomit or stool. It may also spread through contaminated food or water.

    H. pylori infected persons should consult a doctor for appropriate treatments. Patients usually receive "triple therapy" by taking antibiotics for 1-2 weeks. Its side effects are relatively mild and can achieve an efficacy of 85%.


    Who should use UU Tube?
    UU Tube is especially suitable for the elderly, households with infected persons, families with history of gastric cancer, and people with stomach ailments or residing in crowded or unhygienic living conditions etc.
    Is an empty stomach or any medication required prior to testing?
    No, no fasting or medication is not required prior to testing.
    How often should I conduct the test?
    It is advised to test for H. pylori annually as its rates of transmission and infection are very high, regular check-ups with relevant treatments can lower the risk of future complications.
    If you have received treatment to H. pylori infection, repeat testing for H. pylori at least 4 weeks after the treatment is recommended. If the test result is positive, you should contact your doctor and seek further treatments.